Friday 18 February 2022


the horror of drifting


it's not a film

I simply collapsed

on the ground

offering a sacrifice - self

all the balance is reflected in that

every day at the same time - the matrix

every morning you pour water from a plastic bottle

as the meaning of existence

that water in the glass is a sacrifice

innocence, chastity, a childlike character in reflection

a maid in this bourgeois society

pink-happy suitability

smile! - they say

that is why we indulge in immense suffering

I don't have a home - I realized

maybe too late?

a strong wind today is hitting the face

the slaps are stringing

I hide behind potted flowers in an advanced depression

yes, it's simple

the bus with the first floor more and more often, the reddish one

knot with breathing apparatus completely mechanical

parting rolls like a word

at dawn

ordinary words are pronounced in an unstable place

their right to imbalance

I walk on the edge




19.58 h – 20.09 h

February 18th 2022


/West Drayton, Hillingdon County of London/