Wednesday 1 July 2015

A composition for goodbye

You enter life like the melody

Of a picayune orchestra from the telephone
The whole symphony shrieks.
Red, but unlike 
A moussaka flowing and smudged 
Over the walls, floor and ceiling
Of a musty kitchen.
Red like inflamed tonsils
Which I fortunately, lack.
You infiltrate the ground and abound
Like a tomato stack.
The symphony bombinates,
The floors redden.
Then, somehow,
You reach a decision and move
Towards the extrinsic area of the frame.
You retreat.
You depart and are gone.
And the picayune orchestra still
Shrieks, playing a different


Vladimir Milojković
June 20, 2010
2.51 pm - 2.58 pm
Cafe Klub 2, Sombor